“AIUTAMI A FARE DA SOLO: L’Idea Montessori”
Available for free on RayPlay (in Italian only) here
HELP ME MAKE MYSELF: The Montessori Idea
Documentary in which we talk about the Montessori Method, its founder, but also about those who practise and carry it forward today.

In this documentary there is also us, MontessoriBF, as producers of Materials and, in our own small way, disseminators of the Method.

The life and works of Maria Montessori experience renewed interest in these years.
The education of children, of adolescents, becomes central in this era.
One discovers how the Montessori Method, devised almost one hundred years ago, continues to be crucial for an education that aims at the self-sufficiency of children.
The documentary places the children of today at the centre, just as Maria Montessori placed them at the centre of her research, and of the Method she herself created.
Written and directed by Maurizio Sciarra
Produced by Agnese Fontana and Rosario di Girolamo
A co-production Le Talee – Luce Cinecittà
In collaboration with Rai Documentari